REACH SenseFence - Call For Artist

SenseFenceSiteImage-questionREACH is seeking a metal sculpture artist to create an interactive sculpture for the REACH “SenseFence” project.  The total budget for the sculptural work of art, including installation costs, all materials, and artist compensation will be $5000.  Friedland Industries has generously agreed to provide some materials for the sculpture.  The sculpture must be complete and ready for final installation no later than August 30, 2016.  Installation should be complete by September 25, 2016 and ready for an un-veiling on September 28, 2016. Interested artists should submit the following by July 5, 2016 to to be considered:

  1. A resume, portfolio and/or artist vitae documenting past experience in metal-working and sculpture.
  2. A brief cover letter expressing why this project is of interest to you.
  3. A list of at least 2 references from past clients of your art.
  4. Descriptions and sketches of ideas for an interactive metal sculpture to be placed adjacent to the alley and next to the sidewalk.  The sculpture may also include an entry arch over the side walk entrance to courtyard.

Support for this project is made possible through funding from the City of Lansing through Lansing Economic Area Partnership and the Arts Council of Greater Lansing. For more information about the project please visit:


City Pulse- Pac Man and Tree Spirits

