Big Bang-quet Challenge!

BigBanquetSliderWe need your votes!Help us to win a $10,000 credit towards a fundraising event at the fabulous University Club by voting for us in the Big Bang-quet Community Charity Challenge! Each "vote" is cast with a $5 tax-deductible donation to the Capital Region Community Foundation. We'll receive the funds* raised from our votes, plus with your help, we'd like to win the $10,000 Grand Prize! All funds raised will go toward our next phase of the facility expansion. This includes the facades of the storefronts, Main Hub details, and surfacing of our parking lot!project-648-body-FEcanopy21IMG_2020[1]Voting begins on February 22 and ends on March 22 with a reveal reception on March 23 at the University Club. Donate now and help us in this challenge!

*The CRCF will retain a small percentage of the donations to cover processing fees. The Big Bang-quet is sponsored by the University Club, MSU Federal Credit Union, & the Capital Region Community Foundation.

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