Volunteer FAQs
Where is REACH located? REACH is located at 1804 S. Washington Ave. Lansing, MI 48910 in REO Town. We are one block north of Mt. Hope Ave. on the west side of Washington Ave., a half mile south of downtown Lansing.
Where can I park? Park in the lot behind REACH… just off the alley on Smith St.
Can I get to REACH by bus? A #2 CATA bus stop is right outside our S. Washington Ave façade on the west side of Washington Ave, and across the street, just 100 feet south on the east side of S. Washington Ave.
How do I know that I am in the right place? REACH takes up the entire 1800 block of the west side of Washington Ave. You can access our parking lot behind our façade by turning onto Smith St. from Washington Avenue.
How do I know what door to go in? The main entrance is located on the backside of our buildings, visible from our parking lot. The main entrance is the only double glass door marked as “Main Entrance Door #1” and is accessible from the parking lot. There is a RING © doorbell.
What if the door is locked when I get there? The doors are always locked. Please ring the doorbell to the left of Main Door #1 or call us at 517-999-3643.
About Volunteering
How can I learn more about REACH before completing the application process? Go to our website: http://www.reachstudioart.org/ where you will find information about all our programs, mission, vision, core values, and more. We are also glad to answer questions over the phone or by e-mail.
What happens after I submit a volunteer application? Once we have received your complete application, you will hear from us by email or phone within 2 weeks. If we have a suitable volunteer opening for you at the time, we will invite you to come to REACH for an interview and/or orientation.
Who will I meet when I get to REACH? When you get to REACH for your interview or orientation you will meet the program coordinator, Sofia Gentil, education coordinator, Margo Barber, operations manager, Ian Hawthorne, or executive director, Alice Brinkman, and other staff, teaching artists, and students present at the time.
How old do I have to be to volunteer?
We welcome volunteers who are 16 years or older but if you are under 18 you must have approval from your parent or guardian.
Do I get to choose how and when I volunteer? We will work with you to assign you a volunteer position that best meets your qualifications, abilities, and needs. We cannot guarantee all applicants will find the perfect volunteer opportunity, but we will do our best!
Can I fulfill community service and/or course-required volunteer hours at REACH? Yes, if you qualify through our application process and your volunteer requirements fit with our volunteer options.
What should I wear when I volunteer? Please wear clothing that you won’t be afraid of getting very messy or inked/painted! Please wear comfortable and appropriate clothing for bending and reaching and working with children. Closed-toe shoes are a must as well.
Do I need to bring anything with me? Bring the following things to your interview/orientation: A) 2 forms of picture identification (driver’s license, state ID, student ID, passport, etc). B) School or work schedule C) Calendar/date book.
Why does REACH need volunteers? REACH is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, which serves the greater Lansing community. We depend on community support to help the entire community thrive. Volunteers contribute a critical part to increasing our capacity to serve more individuals and serve with higher quality.
Will I get a break on my volunteer shift? Generally, volunteer shifts are not longer than 4 hours. You may take a short break as needed for restroom or drinking water, or if needed for accessibility purposes. Be sure to communicate your break needs to the staff person with whom you are working.
Can I use personal tech devices such as earphones or cell phones while I am volunteering? If you are a classroom, summer camp, or event volunteer, we expect you to be engaged with the activity participants and do not allow the use of these devices while on volunteer duty. Volunteers who are performing facility or grounds clean-up or working on their own with office tasks are welcome to use headphones or earphones to listen to music, etc, but are asked only to use their phones in the case of an emergency, or during an approved break.
What do I do if I don’t like my volunteer task? If you do not feel that the position requirements fit your expectations or qualifications, please tell the staff who oriented you, Margo, Ian, or Sofia, right away. When possible, we will try to find a position or duties that work better for you.
Will REACH still be open during bad weather (especially snowstorms in winter)? If the Lansing School District closes school because of weather, then our after-school youth programming will be canceled, and you should not come in for your volunteer shift. Usually, school cancellations are posted online (WILX, WLNS) or on area radio and TV stations first thing in the morning. Feel free to call or check the REACH Facebook page if you have questions. We try to call anyone who is scheduled if there is an outage, inclement weather, or other emergencies.
Can I make suggestions, comments, or ask questions of the Staff? We welcome hearing from you! We especially want to know how we can encourage and support you in your volunteer role at REACH. Please be sure to let us know when there are ways we can help you do your job better. We provide a survey or a suggestion box, but you are always welcome to share your thoughts and ideas with our staff!
How do I know what to expect on my first day of volunteering? The orientation will provide more information relevant to your volunteer position. The atmosphere at REACH is casual. Many of our volunteers and instructors have been with REACH for several years and will welcome you to a cooperative learning environment. Everyone is eager to learn and share with you.
Does REACH provide food and beverages during the shift? On occasion we provide snacks for the youth in some of our programs; if we have extras the volunteers are invited to partake! We encourage you to bring your own food if you know you will need to eat while you are here.
If I bring in food that is perishable is there a place to store it? Yes, we have a refrigerator/freezer in our kitchen.
If I bring in snacks for the kids, are there certain foods I should avoid? We like to encourage “healthy” snacks like fresh fruit, vegetables, cheese and crackers, and less sugary items… but we will welcome almost any donation of snack items. Please let us know if you are planning to bring a snack, that way we will avoid purchasing something perishable for that day, and we will also need to know if there are any common allergens included in your snack.
When do I get my schedule and how often will I be scheduled? For most of our positions, we encourage volunteers to sign up for weekly shifts but can be flexible if you need a different frequency. We will discuss your schedule on the day of your volunteer orientation.
Who should I talk to if I have a schedule issue or conflict? You should contact the staff that oriented you to your volunteer position.