The Cultural Rhetoric Show

12888645_10154048564473980_2893752353096347298_oSeptember 30, 2016; 5:30PM- 7:30PM & October 1, 2016; 12:00PM- 3:00PMThe Michigan State University Cultural Rhetorics Conference will kick off with an Art Exhibition and Reception which will be held at REACH Art Studio. This reception features creative art work by community artists and academics, who may or may not specifically identify as artist-scholars/scholar-artists. The event intends to generate conversation regarding the ways creative processes might be understood as research methodologies and invites attendees to consider Cultural Rhetorics as an intellectual project that offers space for the development, discussion and presentation of creative-critical scholarship. For more information go to!/info/schedule/september-30-2016-october-1-2016-art-exhibit-cultural-rhetorics-conference-art-exhibition-in-lansing-michigan


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