Sculpt & Skull

14370001_10154535227663980_3082990728721710598_nOctober 14, 2016; 7pm-9:30pmSculpt a pumpkin with artist Dan Nuñez or paint and decorate a plaster sugar skull with Joy Baldwin. Paint, pumpkins, carving tools and other decorations provided. THIS IS A COMPETITION! Photos of all skulls and pumpkins will be posted on REACH's Facebook page for public votes, best skull and pumpkin will each receive a $28 credit toward REACH Adult Social Classes!Bring your own adult beverages, snacks and friends for a fun night of art making. $28 each, $50 for 2 (register with a friend or partner and get a $6 discount on the second person's registration).Register for adult socials here:


America Recycles Day


Teen Open Studio Halloween Show