REACH has potential to double $48,000 goal

patronicity sliderThis Thursday, September 11th, REACH Studio Art Center will launch a crowd-funding campaign (think “kickstarter”) to raise money toward their expansion project along S Washington Ave in REO Town, Lansing. This project will quadruple the size of the non-profit that has been providing free and low cost art programming to Lansing residents for over 10 years. The campaign is being hosted at REACH reaches its goal of $48,000 during the 36 day campaign, another $48,000 will be granted to REACH through a partnership between the new Michigan based crowd-funding webpage and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC).“This online campaign is really huge for us.  We need everyone in our Lansing area community and networks on board—even if it’s just to give $10.  It is such a great opportunity to not only get behind this community-serving project, but double the impact of giving!  We will have just until October 16th to make a pretty steep goal, but I am confident that if everybody who has liked REACH or loves Lansing pitches in, we can make this happen,” says REACH Executive Director, Alice Brinkman.REACH’s project is the first of its kind in a 9 county area in the partnership between the new crowd-funding webpage and the MEDC.


REACH featured in 3 articles in local papers


Attack the Block