Lansing State Journal reports on REACH Youth Art Gallery Unveiling Event

REACREACH-Gallery-Unveil-WHITETEXTH Unveiling Event was held last night (March 19)! Thanks to our wonderful community the unveiling was a success! 17 of our Teen Open Studio masterpieces were purchased last night at the unveil and 100 percent of the profits will go to the artist!Couldn't make it out to the Unveil last night? Don't get too disappointed! We've got an Open House, this Saturday! Join us March 21, 2015 at REACH 2PM - 4 PM. We will have some activities in our current studio space and the gallery will be open for viewing! Of course, all Teen pieces (purchased and not purchased) will be on display until the end of the month. So come by and check us out!REACH is also excited to announce that our event was covered in several media sources! Click the link below to find out what Lansing State Journal had to say!


Cast Your Final BIG BANG-QUET Challenge Votes for REACH Tomorrow!


Lansing City Pulse reports on REACH's Youth Gallery Unveil