Call for Musicians

call for musiciansCALL FOR MUSICIANS AND INSTRUMENT DONATIONS!If you haven’t heard, 30 youth ages 7-12 as part of REACH’s Creative Connections program is creating a Visually Sound Musical Mural this winter term (Jan-April). Four of us sat down and cranked out a plan for a fully interactive musical table and chairs, including instrumental and electronic components.To cut down on costs, we are seeking instrument donations; especially drum heads, a ukulele, spoons, bells, mallets, maracas, symbols, a kalimba (thumb piano), guitar strings/nylon cord or any other noise making object.We are also seeking out any musicians in the community willing to come in any time between 4:15 and 6:00pm any Tuesday and/or Wednesday between now and April to show off their instrument. This could be a quick 15 minute demonstration or a full hour mini-concert with time for questions.Please respond here or contact Joy Baldwin if you are interested in donating an instrument or volunteering at; (517) 999-3643.Art Credit: Creative Connections Student


REACH Teens Display work with visiting artist, Shinique Smith


Mlive article: REACH Expansion